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Research interests | Academic degrees | ![]() ![]() |
Publications |
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Articles in scientific journals |
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Public speeches by invitation (keynotes, plenary presentations, panel discussions etc) | ||||
Nachhaltig erfolgreich in der Landwirtschaft. Invited speaker at the panel discussion organized by the South Tyrolean Farmers Organization (SBB) at the Agrialp trade fair. Messe Bozen. 9 November 2019. | ||||
Möglichkeiten der Produktdifferenzierung zur Steigerung der Wertschöpfung bei Trinkmilch. Keynote speaker at the Österreichische Milchwirtschaftliche Tagung. Gmunden, Austria. 12–13 September 2019. | ||||
Agriculture and tourism sector linkages: Global relevance and local evidence for the case of South Tyrol. Invited speaker, organised session on agritourism. 8th AIEAA (Italian Association of Agricultural Economists) Conference. Pistoia, Italy. 13–14 June 2019. | ||||
Konsumtendenzen im Trinkmilchmarkt und Möglichkeiten der Produktdifferenzierung. Invited speaker at the AFEMA („Arbeitsgruppe zur Förderung von Eutergesundheit und Milchhygiene in den Alpenländern e.V.“) Tagung. Bolzano, Italy. 14–15 February 2019. | ||||
Agriculture and Tourism: Relevance and Evidence. Keynote speaker at the 1st World Congress on Agritourism. Eurac Research. Bolzano, Italy. 7 November 2018. | ||||
Das Südtiroler "Eggentaler Kistl" als Beispiel für lokale Wirtschaftskreisläufe im Alpenraum. Invited speaker for the presentation and invited speaker at the panel discussion at the „75 Jahre Berggebietsentwicklung: Wo stehen wir in Bezug auf die Stärkung von nachhaltigen Ernährungssystemen und Wertschöpfungsketten?“ Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Berggebiete (SAB). Altdorf, Switzerland. 18 October 2018. | ||||
Milch – globaler Albtraum oder lokaler Alp-Traum? Invited speaker at a panel discussion. 13. Galtürer Almbegegnungen. Galtür, Austria. 26 September 2018. | ||||
Landwirtschaftliche Betriebswirtschaft: Richtige Anwendung von Fachbegriffen. Invited speaker at a seminar for agricultural managers at the South Tyrolean Farmer Organization (SBB). Bozen. 9. February 2018. | ||||
Is large-scale sustainable food production possible? Invited speaker at the panel discussion CARE's Talks. The ethical Chef Days. Alta Badia, Dolomites. 16 January 2018. | ||||
Reputationsmanagement in der Speckbranche: Notwendigkeit, Forschungserkenntnisse und Ansatzpunkte. Keynote speaker at the Symposium 20 Jahre Südtiroler Speck g.g.A.. Handelskammer Bozen. 1. Dezember 2017. | ||||
Trends in der Landwirtschaft. Invited speaker at the panel discussion organized by the South Tyrolean Farmers Organization (SBB) at the Agrialp trade fair. Messe Bozen. 23 November 2017. | ||||
Mountain products as an economic development strategy. Invited international speaker at the seminar “Taller sobre estrategias para el desarrollo sostenible del ecosistema de montana de la cuenca andina del Chahapoal”. Santiago di Chile. 24 October 2017. | ||||
European Union mountain development policies and programmes. Invited international speaker at the seminar “Taller sobre estrategias para el desarrollo sostenible del ecosistema de montana de la cuenca andina del Chahapoal”. Santiago di Chile. 24 October 2017. | ||||
Vielfalt als Perspektive für die Südtiroler Landwirtschaft?! Keynote speaker at the 9. Global Forum Südtirol. Neo-ökologische Vielfalt: Südtirols Chance zur Einzigartigkeit. Eurac Research Bozen. 22 September 2017. | ||||
Nachhaltige Nahrungsversorgungs- und -wertschöpfungsketten der Zukunft: Was und wie essen wir 2050? Invited speaker at the AFB (Arbeiter-, Freizeit- und Bildungsverein) International Symposium "Klimawandel und die Auswirkungen auf die Beschäftigung". Cusanus Akademie, Bressanone. 26 May 2017. | ||||
Qualität und Innovation von bäuerlichen Produkten im Eggental. Invited speaker at the Jahresversammlung of the South Tyrolean Farmers Association (SBB) Welschnofen. Welschnofen. 5 May 2017. | ||||
Rindfleisch mit geschützter EU Herkunftsangabe: Europaweite Übersicht und ökonomische Analyse. Plenary speaker at the Workshop "Direkt- und Regionalvermarktung von Qualitätsfleisch". Freie Universität Bozen. 21 February 2017. | ||||
The future food supply chain: how and what we eat tomorrow and where it will come from. Presentation by invitation at South Tyrolean high schools. Either at the schools or at the Free University of Bolzano. About 4 to 5 presentations per year during the last 5 years. | ||||
Zukünftige Herausforderungen der Südtiroler Obstwirtschaft: kleinbäuerliche Betriebe auf internationalen Märkten. Invited speaker at the Jahresversammlung of the South Tyrolean Farmers Association (SBB) Eppan. Appiano. 2 February 2017. | ||||
Reputation des Apfelanbaus in Hinblick auf das Südtiroler Obstbaumuseum. Invited speaker at the Klausurtagung Südtiroler Obstbaumuseum. Renon. 26 November 2016. | ||||
Managing industry reputation to sustain market success: the case of the South Tyrolean apple industry. Invited speaker at the XI Giornate Scientifiche SOI (Società di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana). Bolzano. 14–16 September 2016. | ||||
Spezial- und Premiummilchkonzepte für die Südtiroler Landwirtschaft. Invited speaker to management and board members of dairy processing cooperatives Brimi and Mila/Bergmilch Südtirol. Bolzano. 20 July 2016. | ||||
Podiumsdiskussion Brixen im Dialog: „Die Zukunft is(s)t regional“. Invited guest to a public panel discussion. Together with Member of European Parliament Herbert Dorfmann, Director of the South Tyrolean Farmers Association (SBB) Sigfried Rinner and others. Bressanone. 13 May 2016. | ||||
Spezial- und Premiummilchkonzepte für die Südtiroler Landwirtschaft. Invited speaker to management and board members of dairy processing cooperatives Brimi and Mila/Bergmilch Südtirol. Bressanone. 9 May 2016. | ||||
Agrartirol 2050: Entwicklungsperspektiven für die Südtiroler Landwirtschaft. Invited speaker at the Jahresteilversammlung der Landwirtschaftlichen Hauptgenossenschaft. Brunico. 27 April 2016. | ||||
Agrartirol 2050: Entwicklungsperspektiven für die Südtiroler Landwirtschaft. Invited speaker at the Jahresteilversammlung der Landwirtschaftlichen Hauptgenossenschaft. Schlanders. 20 April 2016. | ||||
Agrartirol 2050: Entwicklungsperspektiven für die Südtiroler Landwirtschaft. Invited speaker at the Jahresteilversammlung der Landwirtschaftlichen Hauptgenossenschaft. Brunico. 18 April 2016. | ||||
Reputationsmanagement in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft: Notwendigkeit und Ansatzpunkte. Invited speaker to management and board members of the Consortium Südtiroler Speck. Bolzano. 6 April 2016. | ||||
Das Tierwohl und seine Bedeutung für die Südtiroler Verbraucher. Invited speaker at the 9. Südtiroler Berglandwirtschaftstagung. Bressanone. 15 January 2016. | ||||
Marktforschung durch Universitätsstudenten: Einige Beispiele im Bereich Getränke. Invited speaker at the TIS Innovation Park WakeUp Workshop. Bolzano. 24 July 2015. | ||||
Die Herausforderungen für die Südtiroler Landwirtschaft in der Zukunft. Invited speaker at the Jahresversammlung des Südtiroler Bauernbundes Ortsgruppe Leifers/Pfatten. Leifers, Bolzano. 6 March 2015. | ||||
Die Zukunft der Landwirtschaft in Südtirol. Impulse presentation und panel discussion at the Bioland Südtirol Seminar 2015. Renon, Bolzano. 23 January 2015. | ||||
Bäuerliche Familienbetriebe: Heute und Morgen in Europa, im Alpenraum und in Südtirol. Plenary presentation at the conference Bäuerliche Familienbetriebe: Heute und Morgen, organised by the South Tyrolean Farmer Association (SBB), the European Academy Bolzano Eurac and the Free University of Bolzano (unibz). Bolzano. 31 October 2014. | ||||
The role of trust in agri-food logistics and supply chain management. Keynote speaker at The International Forum on Agri-food Logistics. Polznań, Poland. 9–13 September 2014. | ||||
Lokale Wirtschaftskreisläufe am Beispiel des Eggentaler Kistls. Plenary presentation at the Vinschger Berglandwirtschafts-tagung. Burgeis, South Tyrol. 5 May 2014. | ||||
Das Eggentaler Kistl – eine gemeindeübergreifende landwirtschaftliche Entwicklungsinitiative. Invited speaker at the Raiffeisenkasse Welschnofen Jahresversammlung. Welschnofen/Nova Levante. 29 April 2014. | ||||
Agrartirol 2050: Entwicklungsperspektiven für die Südtiroler Landwirtschaft. Invited speaker at the Koordinierungsausschuss Landwirtschaft, Raiffeisenverband Bozen. Bolzano. 4 February 2014. | ||||
Reputationsmanagement als neue Herausforderung der Südtiroler Apfelanbaubranche. Plenary presentation at the 61. Südtiroler Obstbautagung. Merano. 14 January 2014. | ||||
Das Eggentaler Kistl: Ein Konzept zur lokalen Landwirtschaftsentwicklung. Plenary presentation at the Eggentaler Wirtschaftsschau. Birchabruck. 21 September 2013. | ||||
Reputationsmanagement als neue Herausforderung der Apfelanbaubranche in Südtirol. Invited speaker at the Tagung Regionale Produkte und Tourismus: Perspektiven für Obst- und Weinbau. Europäische Akademie Bozen (EURAC), Bolzano. 23 May 2013. | ||||
Optimisation of collaboration, partnerships and business relationships. Invited speaker at the Alpine Spring Festival, Expert Meeting on mountain farming, quality products and Expo 2015. Europäische Akademie Bozen (EURAC). Bolzano. 5 March 2013. | ||||
Abschlusspräsentation: Typische Lebensmittel für das Eggental. Ortsbauerngruppe Deutschnofen, Jahresversammlung unter Anwesenheit von Landeshauptmann Luis Durnwalder. Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente. 21 February 2013. | ||||
Innovation vom Markt zum Markt: Markt- und Marketingforschung für KMUs in der Lebensmittelbranche. Invited speaker at the TIS Innovation Park Wake-up Workshop. Bozen. 21 October 2011. | ||||
Factors influencing contractual choice and sustainable relationships in European agri-food chains. Plenary presentation at the International EAAE-SYAL Seminar: Spatial Dynamics in Agri-food Systems: Implications for Sustainability and Consumer Welfare. Parma, Italy. 27–29 October 2010. | ||||
The future food value chain. Invited speaker at the Future Food Farming Forum – New Zealand Inc. meeting tomorrow’s markets. Massey University. Palmerston North, New Zealand. 23 November 2009. | ||||
Economic relationships and communication in European agri-food chains: main findings from the FOODCOMM project. Invited speaker at the FOODCOMM International Workshop. Brussels, Belgium. 27 May 2008. | ||||
Food quality and product export performance – an empirical investigation of the EU situation. Plenary presentation at the 105th European Seminar of the EAAE 'International Marketing and International Trade of Quality Food Products'. Bologna, Italy. 8–10 March 2007. | ||||
podium speaker at podium discussion "Qualität: die richtige Richtung,
oder die letzte Chance?", of the "Bauernjugend
Bezirk Unterland". Bozen/Bolzano, Italy. 31 May 2006. |
international trade of food products: a survey of German and Australian
companies. Seminar presented at the Gatton campus of The University
of Queensland. Brisbane, Australia. 1 February 2006. |
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der EU Ernährungsindustrie ('The competitiveness of the EU food processing sector'). Presentation by invitation given within the Main Seminar of Agricultural Economics. University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart. 28 April 2005. |
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Articles in scientific journals (peer-reviewed) [top] | ||||
The links between human diets and health and climate outcomes in the world’s macro-regions during the last 50 years. (With P. P. Miglietta) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. In press. | ||||
Public seasonal preferences for farmed landscapes: The case of traditional chestnut orchards in South Tyrol (With V. Bossi Fedrigotti, S. Troiano and F. Maragon). European Countryside. In press. | ||||
Avoiding Malthus 2.0: Why Food Pessimism Leads Nowhere. American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research. Vol 6, No 1, 64–65. 2019. | [Download/ buy] |
Agriculture and tourism sector linkages: Global relevance and local evidence for the case of South Tyrol. Open Agriculture. Vol 4, No 1, pp 544–553. 2019. | [Download/ buy] |
Consumer patriotism in public farm animal welfare perceptions in South Tyrol: a segmentation study. (With G. Busch). Austrian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Studies. Vol 27.13, pp 95–101. 2018. | [Download/ buy] |
The Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Ethiopia: History and a Framework for Future Trajectory. (With D. Mojo and T. Degefa.) Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (EJOSSAH). Vol 50, pp 84–94. 2017. | [Download/ buy] |
The determinants and economic impacts of membership in coffee farmer cooperatives: recent evidence from rural Ethiopia. (With D. Mojo and T. Degefa.) Journal of Rural Studies. Vol 50, pp 84–94. 2017. | [Download/ buy] |
Monetizing the impacts of climate change on river uses towards effective adaptation strategies. (With D. Andreopoulos, D. Damigos and F. Comiti.) Desalination and Water Treatment. Vol 57, No 5, pp 2268–2278. 2016. | [Download/ buy] |
Handling preference heterogeneity for river services’ adaptation to climate change. (With D. Andreopoulos, D. Damigos and F. Comiti.) Journal of Environmental Management. Vol 160, pp 201–211. 2015. | [Download/ buy] |
Collective action and aspirations: the impact of cooperatives on Ethiopian coffee farmers' aspirations. (With D. Mojo and T. Degefa.) Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics. Vol 87, No 2, pp 217–238. 2015. | [Download/ buy] |
Social and environmental impacts of agricultural cooperatives: evidence from Ethiopia. (With D. Mojo and T. Degefa.) International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. Vol 22, No 5, pp 388–400. 2015. | [Download/ buy] |
Estimating the non-market benefits of climate change adaptation of river ecosystem services: A choice experiment application in the Aoos basin, Greece. (With D. Andreopoulos, D. Damigos and F. Comiti.) Environmental Science & Policy. Vol 45, January, pp 92–103. 2015. | [Download/ buy] |
The supply chain of sweet chestnuts in Alto Adige. (With V. Bossi Fedrigotti.) Economia Agro-alimentare. Vol 16, No 1, pp 117–137. 2014. | [Download/ buy] |
Supervision environments and performance of UK dairy warehouses: a path analysis. (With P. Akhtar.) British Food Journal. Vol 116, No 6, pp 1000–1013. 2014. | [Download/ buy] |
Trust and communication in European agri-food supply chains. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. Vol 16, No 2, pp 208–218. 2013. | [Download/ buy] |
International travelling and trade: further evidence for the case of Spanish wine based on fractional VAR specifications. (With L. Gil-Alana.) Applied Economics. Vol 22, No 19, pp 2417–2434. 2010. | [Download/ buy] |
Food quality and product export performance – an empirical investigation of the EU situation. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing. Vol 22, No 2/3, pp 210–233. 2010. | [Download/ buy] |
Factors influencing contractual choice and sustainable relationships in European agri-food supply chains. (With M. Hartmann, N. Reynolds, P. Leat, C. Revoredo-Giha, M. Henchion, L.M. Albisu and A. Gracia.) European Review of Agricultural Economics. Vol 36, No 4, pp 541–569. 2009. | [Download/ buy] |
Determinants of sustainable business relationships in selected German agri-food chains. (With N. Reynolds and M. Hartmann.) British Food Journal. Vol 111, No 8, pp 776–793. 2009. | [Download/ buy] |
The nature of the relationship between international tourism and international trade – the case of German imports of Spanish wine. (With L. Gil-Alana.) Applied Economics. Vol 41, No 11, pp 1345–1359. 2009. | [Download/ buy] |
The gap between wine expert ratings and consumer preferences: measures, determinants, and marketing implications. (With J. Schiefer). International Journal of Wine Business Research. Vol 20, No 4, pp 335-366. 2008. | [Download/ buy] |
Business relationships and B2B communication in selected European agri-food chains – first empirical evidence. (With M. Hartmann, M. Bavorova, H. Hockmann, H. Suvanto, L. Viitaharju, P. Leat, C. Revoredo-Giha, M. Henchion, C. McGee, G. Dybowski and M. Kobuszynska.) International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol 11, No 2, pp 73-99. 2008. | [Download/ buy] |
competitiveness situation of the EU meat processing and beverage manufacturing
(With S. Schornberg.) Food Economics. Vol 4, No 3, pp 148-158. 2007. |
[Download/ buy] |
The role of trust in European food chains: theory and empirical findings. (With M. Fritz.) International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol 10, No 2, pp 141-163. 2007. | [Download/ buy] |
Assessing the competitiveness situation of EU food and drink manufacturing industries: an index-based approach. (With S. Schornberg.) Agribusiness: An International Journal. Vol 23, No 4, pp 473-496. 2007. | [Download/ buy] |
Trust and economic relationships in selected European agri-food chains. (With M. Gonzalez, M. Henchion and P. Leat.) Food Economics. Vol 4, No 1, pp 40-49. 2007. | [Download/ buy] |
The complexities of modern food consumption and implications for international food product marketers. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing. Vol 19, No 1, pp 7-35. 2007. | [Download/ buy] |
The influence of immigration and international tourism on the demand for imported food products. Food Economics. Vol 1, No 1, pp 21-33. 2004. | [Download/ buy] |
Managing international trade of food products – a survey of German and Australian companies. Agribusiness: An International Journal. Vol 20, No 1, pp 61-80. 2004. | [Download/ buy] |
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Books and book chapters (peer-reviewed) [top] | ||||
Public Preferences for Climate Change Adaptation Policies in Greece: A Choice Experiment Application on River Uses. (With D. Andreopoulos, D. Damigos and F. Comiti.) In: Zopounidis, C., Kalogeras, N., Mattas, K., van Dijk, G. & Baourakis, G. (eds.): Agricultural Cooperative Management and Policy. Springer International Publishing, Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-319-06634-9. Pages 163–178. 2014. | [Buy] |
The Future Food Value Chain. (Extended version.) In: Hartmann, M. & Hesse, J. (eds.): Agriculture and Food in the 21st Century – Economic, Environmental and Social Challenges. Festschrift on the Occasion of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. P. Michael Schmitz 65th Birthday. Peter Lang International Publisher, Frankfurt a.M., Germany. 2014. | ||||
Sustainable Inter-organizational Relationships in Regional and Non-regional Agri-food Supply Chains. In: Arfini, F., Mancini, M. C. and Donati, M. (eds.): Local Agri-food Systems in a Global World. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, UK. Pages 29–48. 2012. | ||||
Agri-food Chain Relationships. Fischer, C. and Hartmann, M. (eds). CAB International. Oxford. 2010. | [Buy] |
Introduction and Overview: Analysing Inter-organizational Relationships in Agri-food Chains. (With M. Hartmann.) In: Fischer, C. and Hartmann, M. (eds), Agri-food Chain Relationships, pages 11–21. CAB International. Oxford. 2010. |
Building Sustainable Relationships in Agri-food Chains: Challenges from Farm to Retail. (With M. Hartmann and K. Frohberg.) In: Fischer, C. and Hartmann, M. (eds), Agri-food Chain Relationships, pages 25–44. CAB International. Oxford. 2010. | ||||
Collaborative Advantage, Relational Risks and Sustainable Relationships: a Literature Review and Definition. (With N. Reynolds.) In: Fischer, C. and Hartmann, M. (eds), Agri-food Chain Relationships, pages 74–89. CAB International. Oxford. 2010. | ||||
Trust and Relationships in Selected European Agri-food Chains. (With P. Leat, M. Henchion and L.M. Albisu) In: Fischer, C. and Hartmann, M. (eds), Agri-food Chain Relationships, pages 91–104. CAB International. Oxford. 2010. | ||||
Determinants of Sustainable Agri-food Chain Relationships in Europe. (With M. Hartmann, N. Reynolds, P. Leat, C. Revoredo-Giha, M. Henchion, A. Gracia and L.M. Albisu.) In: Fischer, C. and Hartmann, M. (eds), Agri-food Chain Relationships, pages 119–134. CAB International. Oxford. 2010. |
Best Practice in Relationship Management: Recommendations for Farmers, Processors and Retailers. (With H. Lu and P. Batt) In: Fischer, C. and Hartmann, M. (eds), Agri-food Chain Relationships, pages 237–249. CAB International. Oxford. 2010. | ||||
Lessons Learned: Recommendations for Future Research on Agri-food Relationships. (With F. Chaddad and M. Hartmann.) In: Fischer, C. and Hartmann, M. (eds), Agri-food Chain Relationships, pages 267–280. CAB International. Oxford. 2010. | ||||
The future food value chain. In: Emerson, A. and Rowarth, J. (eds), Future Food Farming: New Zealand Inc. meeting tomorrow’s markets, pages 96–98. NZX Ltd, Wellington, New Zealand. 2009. | ||||
influence of immigration and international tourism on the import demand
for consumer goods – a theoretical model. In: Matias, Á., Neto, P. and Nijkamp, P. (eds), Advances in Modern Tourism Research - Economic Perspectives, pages 37-49. Physica-Verlag. Heidelberg. June 2007. |
Key Factors Affecting Success in International Food Product Markets.
Agraroekonomische Monographien und Sammelwerke. (Diss.)
Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel
KG. Kiel, Germany. 2003. |
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Articles in professional journals (peer-reviewed) [top] | ||||
Ein Apfel am Tag? (With V. Bossi Fedrigotti.) Obstbau & Weinbau. No 3, pp 9–13. 2018. | [Download/ buy] |
Reputations- und Imagemanagement als neue Herausforderung der Apfelanbau-Branche in Südtirol. Obstbau & Weinbau. No 1, pp 5–9. 2014. | ||||
Sustainability of Business Relationships in EU Agri-food Chains and Opportunities for Improvement. (With M. Hartmann, N. Reynolds, P. Leat, C. Revoredo-Giha, M. Henchion, L.M. Albisu, A. Gracia.) Eurochoices. Vol 8, No 3, pp 20–21. 2009. | ||||
Which Labels for Which Markets – the Importance of the Supply Chain. Farm Policy Journal. Vol 6, No 4, pp 49–57. 2009. | ||||
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Articles in professional journals (not peer-reviewed) [top] | ||||
Marktanalyse der Südtiroler Apfelsaftbranche. (With D. Forcher.) Südtiroler Landwirt. In press. | ||||
Möglichkeiten der Produktdifferenzierung – Steigerung der Wertschöpfung bei Trinkmilch. molkerei-industrie. No 12, pp 21–23. 2019. | ||||
Strengthening an Alpine-Mediterranean Food System in the Mountains of South Tyrol. (With S. Raffeiner, B. Gritsch, A. Köhne, V. Gschnell, M. Hofer, E. Hofer, V. Breitenberger, U. Laimer, G. Ladurner, S. Eydner, V. Seiwald, E. Prugger, H. Grandi.) Urban Agriculture. No 36, p 45. 2019. | ||||
Wertschätzung bäuerlicher Betriebe. (With V. Bossi Fedrigotti.) Südtiroler Landwirt. No 21, pp 51–53. 2019. | ||||
Möglichkeiten der Produktdifferenzierung zur Steigerung der Wertschöpfung bei Trinkmilch. FOOD-Lab. No 3 (September), pp 12–17. 2019. | ||||
Der Klimawandel im Vinschgau. (With M. Mitterer.) Südtiroler Landwirt. No 8, April, pp 64–65. 2018. | ||||
Wirtschaftlichkeit geprüft. (With S. Kühl, J. Rossmanith.) Südtiroler Landwirt. No 6, March, p 22. 2018. | ||||
Gut analysiert und prämiert. Südtiroler Landwirt. No 2, February, pp 4–5. 2018. | ||||
Landwirtschaft im Wandel. (With W. Pezzei.) Südtiroler Landwirt. No 23, December, pp 24–25. 2017. | ||||
Wirtschaftlich ist noch viel drin. (With J. Rossmanith.) Südtiroler Landwirt. No 18, October, pp 29–30. 2017. | ||||
Was tun nach dem Agrarstudium? Südtiroler Landwirt. No 10, May, p 16. 2017. | ||||
Wie man am Hof rentabel arbeitet. (With J. Rossmanith.) Südtiroler Landwirt. No 21, November, pp 2–3. 2016. | ||||
Mehr aus guter Milch herausholen! Südtiroler Landwirt. No 18, October, pp 65–66. 2016. | ||||
Knolle mit Potential. (With N. Überegger.) Südtiroler Landwirt. No 16, September, pp 64–65. 2016. | ||||
Chancen zur Zusammenarbeit nutzen. Südtiroler Landwirt. No 3, February, pp 1–2. 2016. | ||||
The Cooperative Advantage. (With D. Mojo, T. Degefa.) Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung. 26 February, p 18. 2016. | ||||
Ein Agrarstudent erzählt. Südtiroler Landwirt. No 12, June, p 23. 2013. | ||||
So geht es Südtirols Milchkühen. (With G. Schamel, S. Pfuderer.) Südtiroler Landwirt. No 22, December, p. 1–3. 2013. | ||||
Getreide bleibt teuer. Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung. No 40, October, p 13. 2011. | ||||
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Published conference proceedings (peer-reviewed) [top] | ||||
Sustainable development options for the chestnut supply chain in South Tyrol, Italy. (With V. Bossi Fedrigotti.) 1st International Conference on Asian Highland Natural Resources Management (AsiaHiLand) and 2nd IDRC-SEARCA Upland Fellowship and Conference. Chiang Mai, Thailand. 2015. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. Vol 5. Pages 96–106. | ||||
Improving the effectiveness of food chain coordinators: a conceptual model. (With P. Akhtar and N. Marr.) In: Batt, P. (ed), Proceedings of the III International Symposium on Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the Transitional Economies. Kuala Lumpur, Indonesia. 2010. Acta Horticulturae 895. Pages 15-22. | ||||
Opportunities for innovation in specialised fruit & vegetable retailing – results from an Auckland greengrocers survey. In: Hewlett, E. and Johnson, J. (eds), Proceedings of the Australasian Postharvest and Managing Quality in Chains Conference, Napier, New Zealand. 2009. Acta Horticulturae 880. Pages 91-97. | ||||
Summary of the supply chain workshop. (With G. McEvilly.) In: Hewlett, E. and Johnson, J. (eds), Proceedings of the Australasian Postharvest and Managing Quality in Chains Conference, Napier, New Zealand. 2009. Acta Horticulturae 880. Pages 145-151. | ||||
Determinants of sector competitiveness and implications for the EU food and drink manufacturing industries. (With S. Schornberg.) In: Fanfani R., Ball E., Gutierrez L. and Ricci Maccarini E. (eds), "Competitiveness in Agriculture and Food Industry: US and EU Perspectives", pp. 403-420. Bononia University Press, Bologna, Italy. 2008. | ||||
Food quality and product export performance – An empirical investigation of the EU situation. In: Canavari M., Regazzi D. and Spadoni R. (eds), "Marketing and International Trade of Quality Food Products", Proceedings CD-ROM of the 105th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Bologna, March 8-10, 2007, pp. 1-26. Avenue Media, Bologna. | ||||
International traveling and trade: further evidence for the case of Spanish wine based on fractional VAR specifications. (With L. Gil-Alana.) In: Canavari M., Regazzi D. and Spadoni R. (eds), "Marketing and International Trade of Quality Food Products", Proceedings CD-ROM of the 105th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Bologna, March 8-10, 2007, pp. 395-418. Avenue Media, Bologna. | ||||
Factors influencing trust-supporting mechanisms in European agri-food chains. (With M. Gonzalez, M. Henchion and P. Leat.) In: "Trust and Risk in Business Networks", M. Fritz, U. Rickert and G. Schiefer (eds). Universitaet Bonn ILB Press, Bonn. 2006. Pages 75-86. | ||||
The measurement of competitiveness – With an application to the global food processing sector. (With M. Hartmann.) In: "Sustainable Development and Globalization of Agri-Food Markets", J.-P. Gervais, B. Larue, J.-L. Rastoin and R. Fanfani (eds). Casa Editrice CLUEB, Bologna. 2006. Pages 471-491. | ||||
The influence of immigration and international tourism on the demand for imported food products. In: "Sustainable Development and Globalization of Agri-Food Markets", J.-P. Gervais, B. Larue, J.-L. Rastoin and R. Fanfani (eds). Casa Editrice CLUEB, Bologna. 2006. Pages 298-317. | ||||
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Published reports, discussion/working papers [top] | ||||
on the Future Opportunities and Challenges of EU-China Trade and Investment
Relations – Part 6: Agriculture. (With S. Schornberg and J. Schiefer.) Report prepared for Development Solutions, Emerging Markets Group, commissioned and financed by the EU Commission, DG Trade. 2006. 64 pages. |
[Pdf] | |||
The nature of the relationship between international tourism and international trade – the case of German imports of Spanish wine. (With L. Gil-Alana.) Discussion Paper 2006:1. Institute for Food and Resource Economics, University of Bonn. 2006. | [Pdf] | |||
Kosovo's horticultural potential – the market for fruit and vegetables in
the Balkans. IAMO
Discussion Paper No 67. Halle, Germany. 2004. |
[Pdf] | |||
European Beer Market and Strategic Implications for the Main Players.
Report No 18. Institut
fuer Agribusiness. Giessen, Germany. 2003. |
Ansaetze zur Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfaehigkeit im Importhandel von Lebensmitteln (Possibilities to improve the competitiveness of food import companies). Report No 4. Institut fuer Agribusiness. Giessen, Germany. 1997. | ||||
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Commissioned but unpublished reports [top] | ||||
FOODCOMM Report No. 6 – Evaluation of results and derivation of policy and business implications/recommendations. (With: M. Hartmann, N. Reynolds, H. Hockmann, M. Bavorová, H. Suvanto, P. Leat, C. Revoredo-Giha, M. Henchion, B. McIntyre, G. Dybowski, M. Kobuszynska, L.M. Albisu, A. Gracia.) Contributions to chapters 8 and 9. Prepared for EU Commission, DG Research. 2008. 187 pages. | ||||
FOODCOMM Report No. 4 – Analysis of survey data and identification of issues for country specific research. (With: M. Hartmann, N. Reynolds, H. Hockmann, M. Bavorová, H. Suvanto, P. Leat, C. Revoredo-Giha, M. Henchion, B. McIntyre, G. Dybowski, M. Kobuszynska, L.M. Albisu, A. Gracia.) Editor. Prepared for EU Commission, DG Research. 2007. 557 pages. | ||||
FOODCOMM Report No. 3 – Questionnaire development and cross-country, multi-commodity survey(s) of farmers, processors and retailers. (With: M. Hartmann, N. Reynolds, H. Hockmann, M. Bavorová, H. Suvanto, P. Leat, C. Revoredo-Giha, M. Henchion, C. McGee, G. Dybowski, M. Kobuszynska, L.M. Albisu, A. Gracia.) Contributions to chapter: "Germany". Prepared for EU Commission, DG Research. 2007. 145 pages. | ||||
FOODCOMM Report No. 2 – Review of food chain systems. (With: M. Hartmann, N. Reynolds, H. Hockmann, M. Bavorová, H. Suvanto, P. Leat, D. Watts, M. Henchion, C. McGee, G. Dybowski, M. Kobuszynska, L.M. Albisu, A. Gracia, M. Gonzalez.) Contributions to chapter: "Germany". Prepared for EU Commission, DG Research. 2006. 387 pages. | ||||
Report No. 1 – Theoretical framework. (With: M. Hartmann, N. Reynolds, A.K. Lensch, H. Hockmann, M. Bavorová, J. Hanf, H. Suvanto, H.Törmä, P. Leat, J. Brannigan, D. Watts, M. Henchion, B. McIntyre, G. Dybowski, M. Kobuszynska, L.M. Albisu, A. Gracia, M. Gonzalez.) Contributions to various chapters. Prepared for EU Commission, DG Research. 2006. 106 pages. |
Demand for bananas in the European Union, with special focus on Germany. Report/market study for the Uganda National Banana Research Programme (UNBRP). 2004. 21 pages. | ||||
The market for fruit & vegetables in Kosovo and Balkan regional market study. Report/market study for the Swiss Project for Horticultural Promotion – Kosovo (SPHP-K). 2002. 86 pages. | ||||
PACS-Benutzerhandbuch. Software user manual of an internal revenue
controlling tool based on MS Access. PlanetHome AG, an HVB Group company.
2001/02. 147 pages. |
Garibaldi Kundenbefragung 1998 – Gastronomie & Wiederverkaeufer. Food service & retailer survey summary report and conclusions. Company-internal market research study. 51 pages. | ||||
Betriebsanalyse Garibaldi Neuhausen 1998. Company-internal outlet-profitability analysis and conclusion. 65 pages. | ||||
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Contributions to conferences [top] | ||||
Presentations (contributed papers; oral presentations only given by myself. Presentations given by co-autors, PhD students etc with my name on the submitted papers are not listed. For invited conference speeches see above) | ||||
Avoiding Malthus 2.0: the links between human diets and health and climate outcomes in the world’s macro-regions during the last 50 years. Conference: 'Sustainable Food Systems <> Sustainable Diet'. The American University of Rome. Rome, Italy. 11 October 2019. | ||||
Wertschätzung bäuerlicher Betriebe in der Südtiroler Bevölkerung: Komponentenanalyse mittels Strukturgleichungsmodellen. (With. V. Bossi Fedrigotti.) 29. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie. Innsbruck, Austria. 19–20 September 2019. | ||||
Improving the effectiveness of food chain coordinators: a conceptual model. (With P. Akhtar and N. Marr.) III International Symposium on Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the Transitional Economies. Kuala Lumpur, Indonesia. July 4–8 2010. |
Opportunities for innovation in specialised fruit & vegetable retailing – results from an Auckland greengrocers survey. Australasian Postharvest and Managing Quality in Chains Conference. Napier, New Zealand. November 15–19 2009. | ||||
Building trust in agri-food chains: the mediating role of effective communication. International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference (IAAE2009). Beijing, China. August 16-22 2009. | [Pdf] |
Managing Sustainable Agri-food Chain Relationships – Factors Affecting Relationship Quality and Stability Dimensions. IAMA 19th Annual World Forum and Symposium. Budapest, Hungary. June 20-23 2009. | [Pdf] |
Opportunities for Innovation in Fruit & Vegetable Retailing: A Value Chain Approach. IAMA 19th Annual World Forum and Symposium. Budapest, Hungary. June 20-23 2009. | [Pdf] |
Agri-food chain relationships in Europe – empirical evidence and implications for sector competitiveness. (With M. Hartmann, R. Reynolds, P. Leat, C. Revoredo-Giha, M. Henchion, A. Gracia.) XIIth EAAE Congress. Ghent, Belgium. August 26-29 2008. | [Pdf] |
Drivers of consolidation of major brewery groups – did their internationalisation strategies pay off? IAMA 18th Annual World Forum and Symposium. Monterey, California. June 14-17 2008. | [Pdf] |
Determinants of Sustainable Economic Relationships in German Agri-food Chains. (With N. Reynolds and M. Hartmann.) 2nd International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks. Innsbruck-Igls, Austria. February 18-22 2008. | ||||
Economic Relationships and B2B communication in Selected European Agri-food Chains – First Empirical Evidence. (With M. Hartmann, M. Bavorova, H. Hockmann, H. Suvanto, L. Viitaharju, P. Leat, C. Revoredo-Giha, M. Henchion, C. McGee, G. Dybowski, M. Kobuszynska.) IAMA 17th Annual World Forum and Symposium. Parma, Italy. June 23-26 2007. |
[Pdf] |
Determinants of sector competitiveness and implications for the EU food and drink manufacturing industries. (With S. Schornberg). IAMA 17th Annual World Forum and Symposium. Parma, Italy. June 23-26 2007. |
[Pdf] |
The role of trust in European food chains: theory and empirical findings. (With M. Fritz). IAMA 17th Annual World Forum and Symposium. Parma, Italy. June 23-26 2007. |
[Pdf] |
Food quality and product export performance - an empirical investigation of the EU situtation. 105th European Seminar of the EAAE 'International Marketing and International Trade of Quality Food Products'. Bologna, Italy. March 8-10 2007. |
[Pdf] |
International traveling and trade: further evidence for the case of Spanish wine based on fractional VAR specifications. (With L. Gil-Alana.) 105th European Seminar of the EAAE 'International Marketing and International Trade of Quality Food Products'. Bologna, Italy. March 8-10 2007. |
[Pdf] |
The Nature of the Relationship Between International Tourism and International Trade: the Case of German Imports of Spanish Wine. (With L. Gil-Alana.) 26th Conference of the IAAE. Brisbane, Australia. August 12-18 2006. |
[Pdf] |
An index-based approach for assessing agribusiness competitiveness at the sector level: the case of the EU food and drink manufacturing industries. (With S. Schornberg.) 98th European Seminar of the EAAE 'Marketing Dynamics within the Global Trading System: New Perspectives'. Chania, Greece. June 29-July 2 2006. |
[Pdf] |
The Nature of the Relationship Between International Tourism and International Trade: the Case of German Imports of Spanish Wine. (With L. Gil-Alana.) 98th European Seminar of the EAAE 'Marketing Dynamics within the Global Trading System: New Perspectives'. Chania, Greece. June 29-July 2 2006. |
[Pdf] |
Explaining the competitiveness of EU food and drink manufacturing industries: a GLM approach. (With S. Schornberg.) AIEA2 International Meeting 'Competitiveness in Agriculture and in the Food Industry: US and EU perspectives'. Bologna, Italy. June 15-16 2006. | ||||
Assessing the competitiveness situation of EU food and drink manufacturing industries: an index-based approach. (With S. Schornberg.) AIEA2 International Meeting 'Competitiveness in Agriculture and in the Food Industry: US and EU perspectives'. Bologna, Italy. June 15-16 2006. | ||||
influencing trust-supporting mechanisms in European agri-food chains.
(With M. Gonzalez, M. Henchion, P. Leat.) 99th EAAE Seminar, 'Trust and Risk in Business Networks'. Bonn, Germany. February 8-10 2006. |
theoretical model explaining modern food consumption and implications for
international food product marketers. 97th EAAE Seminar, 'The Economics and Policy of Diet and Health'. Reading, UK. April 21-22 2005. |
[Pdf] |
A theoretical model explaining the influence of immigration and international tourism on the import demand for consumer goods. International Scientific Conference, Theoretical Advances in Tourism Economics. Évora, Portugal. March 18-19 2005. | ||||
measurement of competitiveness – With an application to the global food
processing sector. (With M. Hartmann.) AIEA2 International Conference. Québec, Canada. August 23-24 2004. |
The influence of immigration and international tourism on the demand for imported food products. AIEA2 International Conference. Québec, Canada. August 23-24 2004. | ||||
le commerce international de produits alimentaires – un sondage auprès d'entreprises allemandes et australiennes. European Doctoral Meeting ('Journées européennes des thèses'), organised by the 'Société Francaise d'Economie Rurale' (SFER) and the 'Association Internationale d'Economie Alimentaire et Agro-industrielle' (AIEA2). Montpellier, France. June 19-20 2003. |
Posters | ||||
des gartenbaulichen Potentials des Kosovo – Der Markt für Obst &
Gemüse auf dem Balkan ('Assessment of Kosovo's horticultural potential
– the market for fruit & vegetables on the Balkans'). 43th
Conference of the German Association of Agricultural Economists (Gewisola).
Stuttgart, Germany. September 30-October 1 2003. |
Measuring international competitiveness across countries – an application to the global food industry. (With M. Hartmann.) 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (IAAE). Durban, South Africa. August 16-22 2003. | [Pdf] | |||
Managing international trade of food products – a company survey from Germany and Australia. X Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). Zaragoza, Spain. August 28-31 2002. | ||||
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Others (including podcasts) [top] | ||||
Podcast Rai Bozen: RadioUni. Wissen zum Hören. Teil 3: Neue Formen der Nahrungsmittelproduktion – Von der blauen Schürze zum weißen Kittel. 3 February 2019. | [Link] | |||
Podcast Rai Bozen: RadioUni. Wissen zum Hören. Teil 2: Ernährung der Zukunft – Linsen statt Lende? 26 January 2019. | [Link] | |||
Podcast Rai Bozen: RadioUni. Wissen zum Hören. Teil 1: Ernährungssicherheit und Nahrungsbedarf – Hat die Welt im Jahr 2050 genug zu essen? 19 January 2019. | [Link] | |||
Alpine familienbetriebene Landwirtschaft im Wandel der Zeit: Vom Selbstversorger zum Kultur- und Landschaftserhalter sowie Verbundproduzenten. Article in the broschure „Bäuerliche Familienbetriebe: Heute und morgen – in Europa, im Alpenraum und in Südtirol“. Published by the Südtiroler Bauernbund (SBB), Eurac Research and Freie Universität Bozen. October 2014. Pages 17–31. | ||||
Economic motive for beer purity law. Published Letter to the Editor. Financial Times. Page 6. April 14-15 2007. | ||||
Best or wurst. Published Letter to the Editor. The Economist. Page 16. March 2 2006. | ||||
Contribution to the FAO, GFAR and PhAction brochure, "Linking Farmers to Markets", Strategic Plan for a Global Post-Harvest Initiative for the 21st Century. Printed and circulated by FAO. | ||||
Some gems in a modest food culture. Published Letter to the Editor. Financial Times. Page 6. April 16-17 2005. | ||||
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[top] |